Culture De La Danse – Crise De La Forme (2015)

The artist´s book Culture de la Danse – Crise de la Forme deals with the individuation of an artistic subject, the resulting friction with society and the perception of the artwork in relation to the audience. The book is an attempt, to create a performative form of literature which is accessible and tangible. The entanglement and crossing of artistic genres and concepts is a leitmotif of the publication. The evening is celebrating the publication of this text embedded in a concert, performative interventions and concert setup.

Performance: Alexander Bailey, Krõõt Jurrak, Anne Juren, Frans Poelstra, Roland Rauschmeier, Elizabeth Ward

Technical Management: Andreas Lendais

Costume: Lise Lendais

Production: WTKB

Co-Production: WUK performing arts

Supported by: Cultural department of the city of Vienna

Special appearances by: Sabotanic Garden and The Spermbankers