This group show of various performances transfers the principles of ready-mades and objet trouvé developed in the visual arts, into the live arts. In this case, the „found objects“ are existing choreographic works that are interlinked with one another temporally and spatially in a single, new piece. In collaboration with Roland Rauschmeier Milli Bitterli, Philipp Gehmacher, Anne Juren and Paul Wenninger have each chosen one of their earlier works for the overall concept: Mash Up starts with the longest work, and the other three are following.
Concept: Roland Rauschmeier
Performer: Milli Bitterli, Philipp Gehmacher, Anne Juren, Paul Wenninger
Light: Bruno Pocheron
Artistic Management: Silke Bake
Assistance: Sarah Hendrysiak
Production: WTKB
Production Management: Pia Kirchler
Choreographies: Milli Bitterli Was bleibt (2004 – …), Phillipp Gehmacher Incubator (2004/2006), Anne Juren Code Series (2005), Paul Wenninger Imbue (2007)
Supported by: Cultural Department of the City of Vienna, bmukk