Mash Up (2014)
This group show of various performances transfers the principles of ready-mades and objet trouvé developed
This group show of various performances transfers the principles of ready-mades and objet trouvé developed
The formal and content analysis of the relationship between movement and language is at the
On stage two gentlemen, not too young and not too skinny. Their attempt to present
The Solo Oslo is in itself a choreographic anagram and the first collaboration between Juren and Rauschmeier.
J’aime explores the joy inherent in dancing, being observed while dancing, and observing dance. This high-energy
Timon is a performative essay on patriarchy and its effects on male emotions. It is based
A group of Viennese based artists thought that it was ridiculous that Marie Therese sit
The artist´s book Culture de la Danse – Crise de la Forme deals with the individuation of
The Point activates different images of the body in using different language approaches. The first layers
This duo is a choreographic transcription of the creative process at play in the world
The book Pornografia was completed by the Polish writer Witold Gombrowicz in Argentina in 1958. Despite its
In this show Anne Juren embarks on a journey through her memories: past and forgotten
Komposition is a choreographic work that provides subtle insights into the cooperation of the dancers Marianne
The title Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being is a reference to an essay entitled Destruction
In Tableaux Vivants the art forms interweave and allow hybrid relations to develop between the paintings, sculptures
To date, no one really knows what information, what knowledge a body stores in the
Choreographer Anne Juren and director Annie Dorsen collaborate on Magical, a solo dance piece performed by
In the performative intervention Können Müssen Wissen – Can Must Know, fundamental parameters of artistic practice
The performance Wet Dreams of a Brain Testicle, based on Pasi Mäkelä’s dream diaries, places the
Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies is an ongoing transdisciplinary artistic research, which encompasses the spectrum of experiences
A choreography to an installation to a novel: the works of Vienna-based choreographer Anne Juren
Code Series addresses aspects of different modalities in the production of movement, i.e. time and space,
In cooperation with the French dancer and choreographer Sebastien Cormier, Anne Juren developed a dance