Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies (2021)
Studies on Fantasmical Anatomies is an ongoing transdisciplinary artistic research, which encompasses the spectrum of experiences and practices that I have developed as a choreographer, dancer and Feldenkrais practitioner. By drawing on various fields of knowledge – anatomy, psychoanalysis, feminist and queer theories, poetry and somatic practices – the artworks related to this research expands choreography towards […]
Can Must Know (2019)
In the performative intervention Können Müssen Wissen – Can Must Know, fundamental parameters of artistic practice in general, and of performance art in particular, are formulated and subjected to critical questioning. Art as a thing, as a biographical encounter and the site of a shared, physical experience is at the centre of this confrontation, which is […]
Timon (2019)
Timon is a performative essay on patriarchy and its effects on male emotions. It is based on Shakespeare’s drama Timon of Athens, in which the protagonist, deeply disappointed and speechless, shuts himself away from the world after his carefully nursed network of all-male political and business friendships has failed. The performance asks how our perception of masculinity […]
42 (2019)
To date, no one really knows what information, what knowledge a body stores in the course of its development. So how can we think of this body – the whole body, not just the brain – as an „archive“? Last summer Anne Juren, explored tongues, speech and sexual organs in her series Private Anatomy Lessons […]
The Point (2018)
The Point activates different images of the body in using different language approaches. The first layers of the session will be about describing body parts or using specific anatomical terms. This enables the spectator to find connections between different parts of the body, as for instance between the left shoulder blade and the right hip joint, […]
41 (2018)
The formal and content analysis of the relationship between movement and language is at the heart of Anne Juren’s artistic practice. Juren’s choreographies take the form of experimental sessions with guests. The spoken word generates a creative space that transfers the choreography directly into the bodies and the imagination of the spectators. In this piece, […]
Deadpan Dynamites (2017)
On stage two gentlemen, not too young and not too skinny. Their attempt to present the audience with gags originally performed by young, trained comedians is hindered by their age and physique and also their lack of technical skills in slapstick comedy. The conflict between the physical existence of the two players and the task […]
Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being (2017)
The title Consumption As A Cause Of Coming Into Being is a reference to an essay entitled Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being published in 1912 by Sabina Naftulowna Spielrein. In her essay, Spielrein, one of the first female psychoanalysts, describes the death wish as an integral part of the libido, while the libido, as she states, […]
Wet Dreams Of A Brain Testicle (2015)
The performance Wet Dreams of a Brain Testicle, based on Pasi Mäkelä’s dream diaries, places the significance of consciousness and the scope of dreams at the centre of its action. Supplemented by texts by Roland Rauschmeier, it penetrates the spheres of experimental, artistic occultism and questions the common ideas about our apparent reality. Here, above all, […]
Culture De La Danse – Crise De La Forme (2015)
The artist´s book Culture de la Danse – Crise de la Forme deals with the individuation of an artistic subject, the resulting friction with society and the perception of the artwork in relation to the audience. The book is an attempt, to create a performative form of literature which is accessible and tangible. The entanglement and crossing of artistic genres and […]